Short of the Month is an online platform designed for short filmmakers to showcase their work and for short film enthusiasts to discover award-winning short films. The platform was initially established in 2013 to recognize the best short films across various categories such as Direction, Cinematography, Music, Editing, and Screenplay. In early 2018, the focus transitioned to Indie Shorts Mag, aiming to meet the public relations needs of short filmmakers by featuring interviews, reviews, articles, and more. 2013 to recognize the best short films across various categories such as Direction, Cinematography, Music, Editing, and Screenplay. In early 2018, the focus transitioned to Indie Shorts Mag, aiming to meet the public relations needs of short filmmakers by featuring interviews, reviews, articles, and more.
Work commenced on a new version of Short of the Month in mid-2021, with the vision of empowering viewers to determine the ’Short of the Month.’ The anticipated launch date for the new version of Short of the Month is November 1, 2024.
For those interested, the Short of the Month Archive, containing films, trailers, and reviews from the previous version of Short of the Month, can be accessed here: