In a world where boba tea has become a controlled substance, a underground network of boba enthusiasts fights to keep their beloved drink accessible. When college student Mai discovers her grandmother's secret recipe for the most addictive boba ev...
A young journalist stumbles upon Daffodle, a seemingly idyllic village untouched by time. As she interviews the eccentric inhabitants, she uncovers a tapestry of interconnected tales - from magical realism to dark secrets - that challenge her perc...
Here's a brief synopsis for a film titled "The Loco Pilot and the Untold Saga":
The Loco Pilot and the Untold Saga: Set in the 1950s, this historical drama follows Rajesh, a skilled but underestimated locomotive pilot in British India. When he unc...
Time-space administrator Yan Yue is currently experiencing the life of an ordinary person in Shanghai. While watching the news, she suddenly discovers that the entire world has plunged into a state of uncertainty. It turns out that due to the expl...