Here's a brief synopsis for a film titled "The Loco Pilot and the Untold Saga":
The Loco Pilot and the Untold Saga: Set in the 1950s, this historical drama follows Rajesh, a skilled but underestimated locomotive pilot in British India. When he unc...
In a world where boba tea has become a controlled substance, a underground network of boba enthusiasts fights to keep their beloved drink accessible. When college student Mai discovers her grandmother's secret recipe for the most addictive boba ev...
A young journalist stumbles upon Daffodle, a seemingly idyllic village untouched by time. As she interviews the eccentric inhabitants, she uncovers a tapestry of interconnected tales - from magical realism to dark secrets - that challenge her perc...
After 15 years abroad, acclaimed photographer Mira reluctantly returns to her small hometown to settle her estranged father's estate. As she sorts through his belongings, she uncovers a series of cryptic photographs that hint at long-buried family...